Our guest today works with an incredible organization leading the charge to end human trafficking and care for survivors of it. Coasy Hale is the Director of Survivor Services at Restore Corps - a non-profit organization in Memphis, TN doing everything from working to introduce new legislation to therapeutically receiving survivors into care to begin the road to recovery. We talked with Coasy about how Restore Corps has transformed their care for survivors as they've learned about trauma and the brain and how that knowledge has also affected how their team cares for each other. DO - NOT - MISS this episode, you're going to love hearing from Coasy!
We are also THRILLED to announce our first ETC Podcast advertising partnership! The team at Ryan & Rose have been big supporters of our work at Empowered to Connect for years. They make beautiful products for everyone in the family including pacifiers, pacifier clips, bottle holders, bags, journals and so much more and they've got an exclusive discount JUST FOR LISTENERS OF THE SHOW! Use code 'ETC20' at checkout to save 20% off your entire order with Ryan & Rose and help support an amazing company making a huge difference in the world!
To learn more about ETC, check out empoweredtoconnect.org and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!
Ah the sights and sounds of the holidays! Blaring music everywhere, lights and red stuff all around us - for people with heightened sensory...
We talk about the effects of trauma a lot on the ETC Podcast - in fact - it's woven into almost everything we talk...
Lets face it…sometimes our kids' behavior is perplexing. We have no idea why they are doing what they are doing. We have no idea...