Our latest Connecting Practice is one that can be applied to a ton of different parenting scenarios. How do we help our kids grow? It's certainly not by just telling them 'they should act their age' or by shaming them in comparison to other kids who can do x, y, or z things at their age, we know that. There must be a method we can use as parents to help them (and us) grow and develop skills, right??
There is and it is the subject of today's ETC Podcast episode! You can - and should - listen to today's episode and ALL of the episodes of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever else you listen to podcasts!
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Welcome to episode 2 of Carpool Q&A - quick episodes about one topic designed to be listened to as you go to or from...
That's right, it's a BONUS EPISODE of the ETC Podcast today! In light of Show Hope's Hope For the Journey Conference going live today,...
It's that time of year again - time to take a deep breath and spend hours and hours with family members you may or...